Babaeski Meslek Yüksekokulu
23/08/2017 04:36:16 - 12/09/2017 04:36:16 - 3866 Read


- Business Administration Program

- Local Administrations Program

- Local Administrations Program (Evening Program)


- Office Management and Executive Assistance Program

- Call Center Services Program

- Call Center Services Program (Evening Program)


- Banking and Insurance Program

- Banking and Insurance Program (Evening Program)


- Foreign Trade Program

 Business Administration Program

Today, because of rapid developments and changes all around the world, administrative elements have been added to the elements of labor, capital and natural resources in production. Turkey is also revising its conventional business and management understanding and models to keep pace with this global economic change. The functions, duties, authorities and responsibilities of the administrators have increased. This has also affected the levels of management and led to the emergence of need to intermediate level managers who are between senior managers and subordinates. Business Administration Program, which was established to meet the need, has adopted an understanding of the reconciliation of business related and technological infrastructure as well as vocational foundational courses.

Employment Opportunities for Business Administration Program Graduates

Graduates work as managers and operators in the planning, financing and organization of production activities in factories and workshops, especially in large enterprises. They organize marketing of the products. The possibilities for employing graduates of business administration who gain knowledge and skills in planning, managing and auditing to increase the efficiency of companies in goods and services producing are quite extensive.

Local Administrations Program

With the impact of globalization and other political evidences, the roles of non-governmental organizations and local governments in national and regional development have become irrevocable. Like many other countries in the world today, local administrations in Turkey will be able to progress and develop, while the Local Administrations Program will contribute to this process with graduates.

The Local Administrations Program will aim to support the formation of democratic, transparent, participatory governments and to educate public services effectively, to accelerate regional developments by institutionalizing urban governments at country level. With the Local Administrations Program, it is aimed to lead the theoretical and practical fields together with the legal regulations in the sector by educating the graduates with necessary information and practices.

Employment Opportunities for Local Administrations Program Graduates

Graduates of the Local Administrations Program are expected to be able to work in the rural and urban public institutions (metropolitan, provincial and district municipalities, governorship and district governorships, special provincial administrations, European Union local offices and other public institutions and private sector). In addition, they have the employment opportunities in various public institutions such as personnel affairs, document registration offices, public relations and human resources departments.

Office Management and Executive Assistance Program

The need to manage businesses with a modern sense of administrative understanding is learned increasingly therefore this field needs more trained human power every day. The purpose of the Office Management Executive Assistant Program is to train qualified and well-equipped personnel who will help to achieve the goals and objectives of the company's management. The working environment is related to information, documents and human relations. With this purpose, applied studies focused on strengthening communication ability, ensuring a contemporary office works in the most efficient way, implementing office management processes, applicating of all office tools and equipment in the most efficient way, strengthening communication ability are carried out.

Employment Opportunities for Office Management and Executive Assistance Program Graduates

Graduates take positions within the administrative staff with their knowledge, ability to take responsibility and make decisions within the boundaries of authority appointed to them. They can work in positions such as an office manager, a office services specialist, a senior management assistant, a project manager and a coordinator in all sectors.

Call Center Services Program

In recent years, private/public sector call centers have attracted attention as a service channel, the numbers and service qualities are increasing day by day because of customer/citizen oriented service development in our country. "Call centers" have emerged as a highly advantageous solution for companies to reach far wider masses and win new customers in a brief time, and they have continued to gain even more importance in recent years and have expanded range.

It is widely known that the call center service sector, which will create such a comprehensive employment field, is the foundation for the success of the institutional members to provide citizen/customer satisfaction and this satisfaction can only be provided by dynamic, equipped and educated individuals with academic education. The main aim of the program is to train individuals who have gained competence in the field. In this context, graduates of the program will be the primary workforce in meeting the need for qualified staff in the increasing numbers of employment in the 'call center' sector.

Employment Opportunities for Call Center Services Program Graduates

Graduates will be able to work in the call centers of all companies in the private sector, in the public sector operating in matters such as safety, health, tax, and in call centers of banks. There are also employment opportunities in other tasks and positions that are carried out in conjunction with public relations and communication duties, which require face-to-face or telephone contact with the client.

Banking and Insurance Program

Babaeski Vocational College Banking and Insurance Program is the first Vocational College program in East Thrace (except Istanbul) that provides related education and training. As in all over Turkey, economic activities in the neighboring region have increased and it has become compulsory to carry out necessary insurance transactions in the region with the credit operations to ensure that these activities are covered. The Banking and Insurance Program aim to educate technicians who can catch up with the rapid changes in the finance and insurance sector, which will appeal to the immediate neighborhood new financial instruments, new banking and insurance products, new financial institutions and application.

Parallel to this, theoretical and practical knowledge that can supervise those who are familiar with financing technology, thinking, problem solving, effective in the sector and having analytical thinking ability, continue their activities to train adequate technical staff and middle level managers.

Employment Opportunities for Banking and Insurance Program Graduates

Graduates work in the institutions such as Capital Market Intermediary Institutions, Credit Analysis, Banking, Insurance, International Auditing Companies, Public Finance Institutions, Leasing Companies, Reinsurance Companies, Finance Departments of Businesses and Small and Medium Businesses which are the primary target areas of Banking and Insurance education. 

Foreign Trade Program

The fact that our country has become more important in terms of international trade, the importance of human resource with sufficient knowledge about "foreign trade" increases day by day. Therefore, employing people who have technical knowledge on foreign trade, who can work for the contemporary trends in the international markets, and who are successful in human relations is necessary for foreign trade enterprises. Foreign trade program aims to meet the needs for foreign trade experts who know the structure of international businesses, follow the changes in the market, have relevant knowledge about the management systems, can use the technology and have legal knowledge about the regulations on import and export.

Employment Opportunities for Foreign Trade Program Graduates

Graduates can work with the title of "Customs Consultant" by taking B certificate by completing necessary procedures and exams, the foreign exchange departments of the banks, with the customs brokers, the transport companies.


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